Online Somatic Dialogue Session


Spiritual Guidance and Astrology Readings


Did you know you have the whole universe within you?

Did you know that you can learn how to access the wisdom of your body and have a dialogue with it?

Did you know that your body’s wisdom has access to all your inner and outer natural superpowers?

In this private session creating a relaxing sacred space, Kim will guide you on a sacred journey deep into your body’s inherent wisdom technology.

You will learn how to navigate through roadblocks, identify and transmute conditioned beliefs.

By learning how to self-regulate thoughts, feelings and sensations you become self-actualized and own your sovereignty .

Using evolutionary astrology reading and shadow work, you will learn how to transmute old emotional patterns and free yourself towards your true self and most pure potential of your souls calling.

This session will help you to feel lighter and brighter as you learn how to transmute the energy that has been holding you back from your vitality and life purpose.

Please subscribe to the newsletter for a Free 15 minute introductory conversation.

Please click here for more information.